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Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Well that's a little frustrating right off from the start.  I'm normally a Firefox browser user but have had all sorts of issues in setting up the blog on that so I tried Internet Explorer and that wasn't a whole lot better.  I've now ended up on Google Chrome and everything is working nicely for me.   So if you looked at the site a little earlier and saw things all over the place it was probably during one of my wrestling matches with either Firefox or IE.

Anyway I think I finally have things set up.  In the coming days and weeks I will hopefully be adding more things to the site such as a rolling slideshow of all the daily photos and if all goes well and I can manage it (without causing a major computer explosion)  I will be setting up a webcam to give regular shots looking out over the East Beach from a very handy raised viewpoint. I'm not sure what the time delay between shots will be yet, it will be very much a suck-it-and-see thing.

I'm all psyched up ready to get the sunrise tomorrow.  Hopefully it'll be another clear morning and not so cold that I decide to photoshop the East Beach bridge onto the Copocobana.

I have also set up the Twitter account @lossiebeach get linked up and let me know what should go on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea - well done, you. Will be logging in from Madrid, whenever I can


Got something you'd like to have posted? Let me know.