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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Wildlife Rocks!

I'm sure there is a whole raft of history displayed in the lines on this rock, there are probably wise and educated people that would be able to tell a great deal from it, I thought that it looked mildly interesting.    According to some scientists many rocks date back to before the signing of the Magna Carta and they can live for many hundreds of years in the wild.  I can certainly see how something this intricate would take a long time to put together at any rate.

It is funny what you notice when you roam the place with a camera in your pocket that you wouldn't normally( i've mentioned this before I know), I don't want to spoil you all and throw all the pictures up at once though.

It would appear that I'm going to have to keep working on the webcam, it doesn't seem to be feeding the pictures to the web automatically so the rolling pictures will have to be updated manually.   (unless any of you fine people are computery and know of some good software to make it work )  I would of course prefer it to simply add in each new photo as it takes them but that doesn't seem to be an option at the minute.  I'll keep rooting around.

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