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Thursday, 28 February 2013

Harbour Views

Wandering around the town today I stumbled across this very interesting house.  The tower gives it some great views over the harbour and beyond and it's location means that it would have to be very stormy indeed for the water to get to it.  ( even more stormy than earlier in the year )

I'm sure you all know exactly where it is and what it was.  Let's be hearing from you.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Wildlife Rocks!

I'm sure there is a whole raft of history displayed in the lines on this rock, there are probably wise and educated people that would be able to tell a great deal from it, I thought that it looked mildly interesting.    According to some scientists many rocks date back to before the signing of the Magna Carta and they can live for many hundreds of years in the wild.  I can certainly see how something this intricate would take a long time to put together at any rate.

It is funny what you notice when you roam the place with a camera in your pocket that you wouldn't normally( i've mentioned this before I know), I don't want to spoil you all and throw all the pictures up at once though.

It would appear that I'm going to have to keep working on the webcam, it doesn't seem to be feeding the pictures to the web automatically so the rolling pictures will have to be updated manually.   (unless any of you fine people are computery and know of some good software to make it work )  I would of course prefer it to simply add in each new photo as it takes them but that doesn't seem to be an option at the minute.  I'll keep rooting around.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Web Cam. What Web Cam.

Well I have the web cam connected to a computer and it's looking out over the East beach, so hopefully the wildlife will frolick happily on the beach for the amusement of us all. It's been a while since I've seen a seal basking on the beach but there are herons ( I think they're herons, they look herony/ish)  fishing away quite regularly.

All I have to do now is work out how to connect the pictures it's picking up into the blog.  I won't be giving you a streaming video as I think that would test the patience of my ISP but I will be looking to set it up to give shots at regular periods.

Friday, 22 February 2013

I was outwitted by technology this morning ( forgot to charge camera ) so was unable to get an early morning shot.  I did get a picture on my wanderings this morning however, I must admit I can't recall ever having noticed it before.  I'm sure I must have it's just never registered before.  I guess when you wander around with a camera you tend to actually look at things rather than just glance around as you go along.

Anyway I wonder if any of you know what this is ( obviously it's a lion, I mean the story behind it ) and where it is.

Over to you Lossie.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Midday on the beach.  There are a few folks out and about there as you can see ( the little dots ) and it's a lovely day to be out there.  On days like these it's almost hard to believe that only a few weeks back the water was trying its' hardest to knock on the front doors of the houses along the front.

The sun had just popped up over the horizon ( honest... ) sadly the clouds were hiding it.  It was still a lovely fresh morning with very few seagulls squawking madly at each other.  I do wish they would learn a new tune.

I was shocked when the webcam that I ordered from Amazon yesterday was delivered this morning.  I shall try and get it set up as soon as possible and work out how to link it into the blog so that it can pop up fresh photos of the East Beach here.  Who knows it may capture some sightings of the sea lions/seals ( I am rubbish at identifying things, all help gladly accepted ) that visit the beach here or the surfers who seem to not care one little bit how cold it is when they go into the water.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Well that's a little frustrating right off from the start.  I'm normally a Firefox browser user but have had all sorts of issues in setting up the blog on that so I tried Internet Explorer and that wasn't a whole lot better.  I've now ended up on Google Chrome and everything is working nicely for me.   So if you looked at the site a little earlier and saw things all over the place it was probably during one of my wrestling matches with either Firefox or IE.

Anyway I think I finally have things set up.  In the coming days and weeks I will hopefully be adding more things to the site such as a rolling slideshow of all the daily photos and if all goes well and I can manage it (without causing a major computer explosion)  I will be setting up a webcam to give regular shots looking out over the East Beach from a very handy raised viewpoint. I'm not sure what the time delay between shots will be yet, it will be very much a suck-it-and-see thing.

I'm all psyched up ready to get the sunrise tomorrow.  Hopefully it'll be another clear morning and not so cold that I decide to photoshop the East Beach bridge onto the Copocobana.

I have also set up the Twitter account @lossiebeach get linked up and let me know what should go on the blog.

Welcome to Lossiemouth Beach views

I'd like to welcome you to the view from Lossiemouth beach here in Moray.

This blog will be a bit of a mish-mash really.  I'm going to be posting some (hopefully) great shots of the Lossiemouth area to show the rest of the world just what a spectacular place this can be.

I'll also be looking to post on topics that you suggest, or serve as a platform for you to post your articles or ideas.   If you have a story or subject that you'd like to bring to the world then let me know.