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Friday, 1 March 2013

Look Out

Another gloriously sunny and warm day up on the Costa Del Lossiemouth, ( far too sunny to be sat in-front of a computer.. harrumph!) I can hear the Spanish tourist board grinding their teeth in envy.

 A pretty easy one for you all today.  This picture has been taken from a position up on high.  Can you name the spot?

This location looked, until relatively recently, slightly different when it was given a more modern look and a bit of a tidy up.

There will be a follow up posting later if ( when ) someone identifies the place.

Ok, here we go, this will give it away I'm sure.

I didn't want to make it too easy so I've blanked out the name. ( for now )


  1. Ramsay Macdonald memorial on Prospect Terrace - million dollar views from here!

  2. Yes that's correct.. lovely view from up there.


Got something you'd like to have posted? Let me know.