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Wednesday, 6 March 2013


I see that the grant the Covesea Lighthouse Community Company were seeking has been approved and the Lighthouse will soon become a hub for local tourism.  It certainly is one of the most striking locations in the region.

It's a building that dominates the cliff tops and is visible for miles around. ( Pretty handy for a lighthouse I hear you all cry.)

I was going to post my own picture of the lighthouse but then i thought that perhaps it was time for me to see what talents you all have with a camera.  So come on Lossiemouth (and beyond if you wish) let's be having your pictures of the lighthouse.  Let's have shots of the lighthouse in all weathers and light.  It always looks fabulous when the sun is setting in just the right place but i'm sure it could look just as spectacular from the right place in any weather.

So come on folks, get your snaps out!

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