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Saturday, 22 February 2014

Lossiemouth Harbour

Today is a great day for wandering along the sea front here at Lossiemouth.  For one thing you can do so without being blown off your feet or having a nice bracing shower in sea spray as the waves lash against the harbour walls.  Also sun-glasses are needed!

There's plenty of work going on in the harbour too, with boat owners looking over the boats and doing, what i'm guessing, is all the small jobs that a boat requires to remain sea-worthy. Some boats are getting a slightly more extensive going over.
I always think that the boats propped up on stilts like this looks extremely precarious, but what do I know,  I'm just someone wandering around pointing a camera at stuff and posting here so that everyone can see what's happening in and around Lossie.

Looking at the long range forecasts ( if they can ever be believed) it seems that we're in for a couple of weeks of decent weather with no high winds expected.  I'll try and get a closer look along the front for some shots of the ongoing sea wall repairs.  I'm sure that you're all as baffled as me why they decided to do the repairs in the middle of winter, it seemed a bit strange to remove the temporary wall and leave a huge gaping hole.  I'm sure there was a well thought out plan.

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